Once in a while, a company is missing from Fuel and needs to be added. This is how you can do it.
If no results are found when searching for a company in Fuel, you will be prompted with a message asking if you would like to add the missing company. To do so, click Suggest a company we should add.
Type in the company's website or domain in the search box and hit Submit.
During the validation phase, if the company is found in Fuel, you will be prompted that a match has been found and you will be able to click on the result to view its company profile page.
If the company has not been found, your submission will be accepted for review by the Fuel team. At this point if there is another company you wish to submit, press the Submit Another button.
Once the company has been added to Fuel, you will be notified via email. This can take up to 48 hours to occur. If you do not receive an email regarding this after 48 hours, contact support with the company's website in order to follow up.