How do I Install and Use the Fuel Slack Integration?

To install the integration automatically click the button below, or follow the directions following to install manually

Installing the Fuel integration automatically

To install, click the button below:

Add to Slack

Installing the Fuel integration manually

Scroll to the bottom of Slack and click on the Add Apps button, and then search for York IE Fuel. Click the result to install.

NOTE: If the app is already installed in your Slack workspace, you will be able to find it by scrolling thru the currently installed apps.

Add to Channel

Once installed, you will need to add the York IE Fuel app to a channel.  To add to the channel type /invite @York IE Fuel.


Using the Fuel Integration

Once added to your Slack workplace and desired channel, you can type /fuel to list out all the commands available. Currently the following are available:

/fuel watchlist subscribe

This command will allow you to subscribe to watchlists updates. Entering this command will present you with a list of your watchlists as well as watchlists that are shared with you. Select which watchlists you would like to receive updates on in this channel and click the green Submit button. Once processed you will receive an in-Slack notification that you have subscribed your watchlists to the channel.


Watchlist subscriptions will post up to three updates per watchlist in channel daily. If there are additional updates, you will be prompted to read them via Fuel

/fuel funding subscribe

Similar to watchlist and market pulse subscriptions, this command will allow you to subscribe to funding updates. Entering this command will present you with a list of your watchlists. Select which watchlists you would like to receive funding updates on in this channel and click the green Submit button. Once processed you will receive an in-Slack notification that you have subscribed these watchlists funding updates to the channel.


Privacy Policy

The York IE Fuel slack integration abides by the York IE privacy policy which can be found here: